Chapter 1

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Angel's P.O.V

I grew up in a very broken house. I lived with my Pa, older sister named Molly and my younger brother Arackniss. Molly is older than me by two years and Arackniss is younger than me by one year.

My Ma died after giving birth to Arackniss. I couldn't handle my life without Ma, so I started talking drugs at the age of 10 because my Pa didn't care what happened to us. He would leave his drugs laying around the house so I took them. My favourite drug was called Angel Dust.

My life got worse though. At age 15 I became a gay prostitute. Sex was the only thing that made me happy other than drugs. I started murdering around the same age. I murdered innocent people with my brother. Sometimes I would see my Ma and talk to her, but, I thought it was the drugs just taking a toll on my brain.

I died after a drug overdose. I called for Pa and when he saw me and after I asked for his help... he left me to die. He just slowly closed the door. Arackniss was out of the house and Molly was dead. She died after me and Arackniss pulled out our guns ready to put bullets in each other.

Molly would come and stop us just in time before we pulled the trigger but she was to late once and she got shot in the back of her head and chest. She died at 20 and I died at 19.

Arackniss wasn't soon after me. He committed suicide one year after I died. My dad lived the rest of his life ( 2 months after Arackniss) until nature took over and he died of natural causes.

My Pa, Arackniss and I all ended up in Hell. We hadn't seen Molly in Hell so we were sure she in Heaven until I saw her talking to one of my friends. I started to tear up and I ran to my brother and Pa.

Pa had a silent break down and Arackniss started cursing at us out and himself out. We went back to where I saw Molly and she was still talking to my friend. I ran behind her and hugged her! She jumped out of fright and turned around. "Who's hugging me?" She quickly said. "It's me Molls"! I stopped hugging her and looked at her. "A-Angie?"

She said tearful, "I thought I'd never see you again!" She hugged me and I hugged her back. "Missed you so much" I said "I missed you too" she said cheerfully. I stopped hugging her and looked at my brother and Pa. "Well looks like there's no avoiding each other" Pa said all grumpy, as usual.

We all looked at him and Arackniss said "Shut up! You're the main reason we're here. You made us like this!" He was yelling. Me and Molly turned back to my friend. "Well," my friend Cherri said "You've got quite a family there Angel". "Ya! They're great " I replied sarcastically. The three of us laughed. Maybe Hell wasn't gonna be all that bad.

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