Chapter 7

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Angel's P.O.V
After every one left I went to my room to take a breather. "Ok" I said tired and ready to watch movies and snuggle with my pig Fat Nuggets all day. When I heard a knock on the door. I quickly changed out of the clothes I was wearing yesterday to a pair a fresh underwear and a bright pink fluffy robe.

I went to my door and opened it. Then immediately closed it. "What does He want?" I said a loud. I couldn't believe he was here. I steadied myself and opened the door ready to face him.

I turned around and opened the door. "Hi Pa." I said nervously. "Come in". I stepped out of his way and let him in my house. I closed the door behind me and went into my living room and sat on my couch. He slowly followed me and sat next to me.

We sat there for a minute not saying anything, until I made conversation. "So", I said "I Whatcha doing here Pa? Shouldn't you be at home enjoying the silence or what ever you do at home?" He didn't say anything. I looked at him and waiting on an answer. He was still silent. I sighed and looked away.

It was another silent moment before he grabbed me by my neck. "NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER YELL AT ME AGAIN!" He was shouting at me. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME ANGEL?!" I woulda answered but he was holding my neck so tightly I couldn't breathe. He held it tighter and I could feel my face turning blue.

I quickly nodded and he threw me to the floor like I was garbage. I was choking and trying to breathe again. "Oh you're fine you bastard. Get up. NOW!" He looked at me and I couldn't get up. I was still trying to catch my breath between all my coughing. He groaned and rolled his eyes. He grabbed two of my arms and tossed me on my lounge chair.

I was shaking, crying and coughing. I slowly calmed down and wiped away my tears. Pa hates it when we cry in front of him. He looked at me, "What are you? A fucking baby. Stop crying." He said to me angrily "Only babies cry. You're a grown ass man. Stop acting like you're 1." I looked at him. He looked back at me. "What?" I was ready to scream.

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