Chapter 19

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Alastor's P.O.V
Molly had made a pretty good plan. A very scamming kind of plan. "I for one," Said Charlie, "love her idea!" The others nodded in agreement. Angel nodded as well but he looked very upset. It was most likely his hangover getting to him. "I love your idea!" I told her. "I assume no one else has a better plan." I looked at every one and they were all shaking there heads. "Well since no one else has anything better we should execute this plan!" Everyone looked at me with shock. "Not that execute!" Angel said, "Execute this plan as in go with this plan. Use this plan to get more demons here!" He huffed. "Thank you Angel that's exactly what I meant." I said. "We can only do it if Charlie's fine with it." Vaggie said. "Don't ask me." She said "Ask Alastor if it's ok. It's him we're using!" "But your the Hotel manager," said Husk. "You make all the decisions." "As long as Alastor is ok with it than I'm ok with it." She said happily. "It's fine for me!" I said. Everyone cheered. All expect for Angel, he cheered but weakly. "Thisss will be interesssssting!" Hissed Pentious. "Can you control that or does it just happened?" Asked Cherri curiously. "What do you mean misssssy?" He responded. "That thing every time you pronounce an 'S', you go sssssssss." Does that happen on its own?" Asked Cherri. "Indeed it doesss." Responded Pentious. "Is there a way to stop it?" Asked Cherri. "Because it gets really annoying sometimes!" "Well thatsssss quite rude missssssy! Sir Pentious said as Angel stood up and stood on the opposite side of Cherri. Sir Pentious and Cherri continued bickering then we all heard a thud. We looked around to see what fell then Cherri saw Angel passed out on the floor. "Oh my!" Exclaimed Mimzy as she helped Molly pick up Angel. I got off the couch so Molly could lay Angel there. I checked for his pulse. "He's still breathing." I said and everyone sighed with relief.

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