Chapter 30

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Molly's P.O.V
I felt back for Angel. Angel didn't deserve what he got. I should've told him that is was Dad
who wanted to see him! Ugh! I'm so stupid! I walked home feeling really sad and stupid. Dad was walked next to me. "Stupid little boy." He grumbled. I stopped in my tracks. "Pardon?" I said. Dad stopped and turned around took look at me. "Your brother is stupid and shouldn't exist." He said grimly. "Angel is the best one in our family." I said. "He's stuck with me my whole life. No matter what!" Dad rolled his eyes, "He obviously didn't stick with you when he kicked us out." "He only kicked us out," I said getting angrier, "because you told him that he was a mistake and he shouldn't have existed!" "I only said that because it was true." He said. I was ready to punch him. I couldn't believe he was saying this about Angel and behind is back no less! I walked closer to Dad. "Angel is amazing and it's your fault you can't see that!" I told him sternly. I walked around him and continued my way home. He walked next to me. "Why you following me?" I asked turning around. "You're house is in the other direction you old dumb ass." I told him as I turned around to go home. He slapped the back of my head. "Ow!" I said as I stopped. I faced him and hit the top of his head in return. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the floor. I stood up even though he was still holding my arm. I pulled it away and slapped him. "Don't touch or talk to me," I said angrily. "Until you learn some manners and how to respect people!" I turned around and left him. I was wanting to do more. I wanted to watch him bleed. Then I heard a gunshot.

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