Chapter 18

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Angel's P.O.V
My head hurt so much thanks to my damn hang over. I was still being myself and everything but getting fully drunk was a bad idea. At least if I pass out they now why. And at least I have a room here. "So," I asked "What we're y'all talking about before me and my drunk ass came in." "We we're talking about how to get more demons to come here!" Answered Niffty as she was slowly coming down from her sugar high. "Yeah," continued Mimzy, "But we're out of ideas." "What did you already come up with?" Asked Molly. "Husk suggested that we drink until we drop. Mimzy said to hand out things like money to the poor and that was really it." Answered Cherri. We all thought for a moment for more ideas. "OH!" Said Molly! "Who's the most dangerous demon in hell?" She asked. "Alastor." We all answered. "What if we stage him doing good things. Trying to convince others that the Hotel is working and that they should join!" "What wonderful idea Molly!" A voice said from behind me. We all screamed and I turned around. We saw that Alastor had come back downstairs. "Back for more I see Al." I said seductively. I grabbed his collar and he put a knife to my neck. "Nice try Angel." He said happily. With a neck crack and a creepy smile he said. "Now let go of me or I will slit your throat." I let go of him as her went back to normal and his knife went back into a staff. "Thank you Molly so very much for the information about Angel. Now I know how to get him away from me." I frowned. "You weren't around when I said it. "Oh but deary!" He said as he popped up behind her. She jumped. "I'm everywhere!" He sat on the couch. "Now tell me what your plan was to get more demons to come to the Hotel. "Oh right!" She said still a little shaky. "Since other than Lucifer you're the most feared in Hell and since you attend the Hotel we can use you to attract more demons." "But usssse him in what way? Pentious asked. "He can walk around town and he can help a poor person by giving them money or help someone. Or something good instead of doing bad. Then we should get more demons here because if they see the 2nd most feared demon in hell being good just by attending the Hotel we could attract more demons!"

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