Chapter 54

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Cherri's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of Charlie hitting my door and screaming something about Angel. I opened my door and poked my head out. I was the only 1 to do so. Charlie looked at me and said nothing. She just grabbed my arm and pulled me downstairs to the lobby. She pushed my to the front desk and ran to get the others. I walked over to the front desk to see Angel leaning against the wall. "C-Cherri?" Angel said with a stutter looking at me. I ran around the desk to see him. I looked at him and saw a bullet hole in his chest. "W-What happened?" I asked worried for my friend. He laughed a little. "Pa came for a little visit." He said breathing roughly. "We have to get you to a hospital Angel." I said. He chuckled. "Why for Pa to attempt to murder me again?" He said. I looked at him. Angel looked at the bullet in his chest that was streaming blood. I couldn't think of how to help him. He didn't want to get to a hospital so what do I do?
A few minutes of thinking later Charlie came downstairs with the others. Angel and I looked at everybody. He started laughing clearly going insane if he already hadn't got there. Everyone had a scared and concerned reaction on there face. Even Alastor who normally wore a smile, seemed still sad about it. His smile was smaller practically nothing. Husk ran off to go medical supplies from somewhere in Charlie's office. I looked at Angel who started to pass out. Mimzy came around to Angel. "Come on Angel." She said gently slapping his cheek. "Stay with us." He smiles and said "I'm not going anywhere." I turned to the door and saw someone. I don't know who I saw but it was someone. Alastor musta saw the same thing and looked at me. I looked at him and hopped over the counter. I stood next to him. "Who is that?" I whispered. Alastor did respond for a minute. He walked to the door and reached outside. I looked at him confused. He puts his arm back inside and in his hands was a gun that shot .33mm bullets. He walked out said and smiled.

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