Chapter 11

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Molly's P.O.V
A few hours after what Dad did and we went to my place, Angel asked a question that staggered me and Arackniss. "Why doesn't Pa love me?" He asked, "Why does he have to hurt me? Why can't he just leave us alone? Why can't he bother Arackniss? He doesn't have to hurt him, but he can at least insult him the same way he does to me!" Arackniss got a little upset. "That's a good question Angel!" He sounded ticked off. Ready to slap Angel. "Why doesn't Dad pick on me?! You should be grateful Angel!" "Grateful?" Angel said pissed off. "GRATEFUL?!" He said screaming. "Uh oh" I said quietly looking at Arackniss. "GRATEFUL HUH?! LOOK AT ME!" And yelled "HE BROKE MY JAW 3 OF MY ARMS AND MY LEGS! I SHOULD TOTALLY BE GRATEFUL! HE TOTALLY DIDN'T LEAVE ME TO DIE INSTEAD OF CALLING AN AMBULANCE FOR ME WHEN I HAD MY DRUG OVERDOSE! YEAH, I should be grateful about that. Being physically and verbally abused." Arackniss looked at him and stood up. I stood up to, ready to pull Arackniss back of this got physical. "Be grateful that's all he did!" Arac said. Angel made a fist ready to punch him. Arackniss made a fist with each of his 4 arms. I was worried. I pulled Arackniss back and stood between them. "Not today. You can hurt each other when I'm not here! But right now I-." I was pushed out of the way. "Stay out of this Molly!" Arackniss said crossly "You have to business in this fight. Why don't you go clean or do laundry like a women is supposed to do!" Arackniss turned back to Angel. If there's one thing that I hate it's telling a woman she's nothing but a maid and her porpoise is to serve a man. The fact that he told me to do exactly that hurt me deeply. "Arac!" Angel said slightly nodding his head to me. Arackniss looked at me. It took a moment for him to see that I was about to cry and it took another for him to realise what he just said. "Molls" he said gently, "I was mad, I didn't mean it." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Then another. I looked at the floor and started to cry. "WELL NOW YOU'VE DONE IT!" Angel screamed crossly at Arackniss, "YOU'VE MADE HER CRY!" "SHUT IT ANGEL!" Arackniss yelled. "Molls I didn't mean it!" "No you're right. Fine I'll go do what a lady is supposed to do in your eyes! Cook, clean, do laundry and whatever else she wasn't meant to do!" I turned around and walked to my basement to grab my cleaning things. "MOLLS I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" He yelled after me. He sat down and looked at the floor as I grabbed my cleaning supplies and walked into my room slamming the door behind me. "I really screwed up." Said Arackniss glumly. "Yeah!" Said Angel, "Ya did!" "I DIDN'T ASK YOU!" Screamed Arackniss. I could hear them arguing through the door. I laid on my bed and cried. I hate it when they fight.

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