Chapter 29

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Angel's P.O.V
I looked at him. "I-is that true?" I asked. "OF COURSE IT'S TRUE YOU LOUSY DUMB ASS!!" Pa screamed at me. I teared up and looked at the floor. "I think you to should leave." I said angrily. "Angel." Molly said softly. "GET OUT BOTH OF YOU! NOW!!" I screamed. Molly and Pa left. I held back tears. I waited until they were gone then I went back to the Hotel.
I went into the Hotel and went up to my room. I slammed the door and face planted into my pillow and started crying. A few moments later I heard a knock at my door. I wiped away my tears and fixed my mascara. I opened the door and saw Alastor and Charlie on the other side. "Angel." Charlie said. "Are you okay?" "We saw you walk into your room looking like you were about to cry." Alastor said. "We wanted to make sure you were alright." I wanted to tell them but I was afraid of what Pa was going to do to me. Charlie put her hand on my cheek. "You can tell us Angel." She said sweetly. I nodded and let them into my room. We sat on the bed and I told them everything. About me and Molly's fight when we got home yesterday, what Pa said and everything else. Charlie and Alastor hugged me. "Angel why didn't you tell us sooner?" Charlie asked. "I'm afraid of what Pa's gonna do to me if he finds out that I told anyone." I told her. "I'll gladly go kill him for you Angel!" Alastor said. "Since when did you care what happens to Angel?" Charlie asked. "I've been warming up to him." Alastor responded. "But that's not the point. I'll gladly murder him!" I smiled. "I don't think that's how you get redeemed Al." I said. We laughed. It feels good to laugh at your problems with your friends.

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