Chapter 37

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Angel's P.O.V
Pa clenched his fists as he was looking at us. He slammed the door. "You want to repeat everything you just said boy?" He asked me he sounded angry. I stood up. "I don't have to, if I don't want to." I said with my voice full of attitude and sass. "Angel what are you doing?" Asked Molly quietly. "He's pissing me off is what he's doing." Pa said angrily. "ARACKNISS!" Pa yelled. "Hand me your gun because I know you have it!" He said sternly. Arackniss stood up. "Come and take it from me old man." He said. Arackniss grabbed his gun and loaded bullets. Pa walked up to Arackniss and I walked behind Pa. Arackniss held out his gun. "Go take it." He said in a cocky tone. Pa grabbed the gun. I walked on to the other side of Molly's hospital bed. Pa cocked the gun. "Any last words kids." He asked with pride. "Bye Pa. Hope you get a nice cell mate." I said sassily. Nurses burst into the room. What they say was Pa holding a gun to his kids. A nurse ran out of the room and came back with a security guard. The guard tackled Pa and put him in hand cuffs. I smiled and held up the nurse emergency call button on the little remote attached to the hospital bed.
Molly explained to the guard what happened. Arackniss got his gun back, Molly was talking to a nurse. I followed Pa and the security guard out of the room. "I'm taking him to the police station for questioning." The guard told me. "That's fine. He'll need the time." I said. I kissed Pa on the forehead. "Bye Pa. Hope you get a decent jail cell." I said in a mocking tone. He grumbled and I left him laughing.

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