Chapter 14

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Angel's P.O.V
About 2 months after what Pa did and all that jazz! I finally got my castes off! I open the door to Molly's place, "HEY!" I screamed "GUESS WHO JUST THERE CASTS OFF!" Molly ran to me and hugged me. "YAY!" She said happily as I hugged her back with all 4 of my arms. "I got a great idea." I said, "Let's get drunk!" "Hmmm..." said Molly "Why not!" "YES!" I screamed as we walked out of the house.
We got to the bar and it was practically empty. We sat at the bar. "Where is everyone?" I asked out loud. "Every time I'm here it's packed." The bar tender heard me and said "Yeah. Everyone heard what happened to ya!" I face palmed "Dear Lucifer Charlie!" I said. "Eh. It's quieter now." The bar tender said smugly. "You won't be quite though." He said slipping me a 100 dollar bill as he leaned towards me. I gently pushed him back. "I'm all for doing business." I told him. "But can we please not talk about this while my sista is around?!" I said gesturing to Molly. The tenders face turned bright red. "Oh. I'm so sorry Mrs." "Thats quite alright dear!" She said sweetly. "I'm used to demons going up to Angel to get it in." She looked at me. "I just feel bad for ya Molls." I said. "Any way. I want your strongest liquor and a margarita for my sista." I told the bar tender. "On it!" He said as he got to work on the drinks. She smiled at me and I smiled back. "Ok Angel I'ma guess what you're thinking" Molly said smugly. "Go for it Molls." I said. "You wanna burst into the Hotel drunk and scare everyone half to second death!" She said. The bar tender came with our drinks. "Heres your liquor and margarita." He said. "Thank you" I said as he left. Molly sipped her drink. "Did I guess right?" I looked at her smugly, "You always do!" I told her as I chugged my drink.

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