Chapter 51

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Angel's P.O.V
We walked downstairs all in our various outfits and went into the lounge room to check on the guys. "Is anyone dyeing, dead, bleeding, knocked out, being stabbed or anything else that you would do to hurt each other. Husk laughed. "See for your self." He said in his scratchy alcohol ridden voice. We looked over at Alastor who was in perfect condition. We looked for Baxter and couldn't see him. "W-where did Baxter g-go?" Niffty asked. Alastor didn't answer nor did Husk. "Guys What did you do." I asked. Alastor grabbed his staff and motioned to the ceiling light. I looked up and couldn't believe what I had saw. Baxter passed out, tied up and dangling from the chandelier. The rope wasn't around his neck it was around his chest and waist That rope was tied to the light. "Get him down Al!" I said ready to grab my gun. He laughed and smiled wider. "Why? Baxter said he'd rather hang from the ceiling then be with us." Alastor said smugly. I walked over to Alastor, grabbed my gun and put it to his head. "Get him down now." I said ready to shoot. Alastor knows I won't hesitate no matter who it is. "As you wish." He said. Alastor hit the bottom of his staff to the ground and Baxter was on the couch beside him still tied.
(The staff is magical don't ask.)
Mimzy went to Baxter and felt his neck. "He has a pulse." She said with a sigh of relief. "Pull that shit again and you're gonna be the one hanging from the chandelier by the neck." I said still ready to shoot. "Got it?" I asked with my finger slowly pulling back the trigger. "Absolutely Angel my dear." He said happily. I put my gun away. Charlie and Vaggie untied Baxter and I helped carry him to the kitchen.

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