Chapter 45

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Angel's P.O.V
"What do you mean?" Asked Charlie. I looked at him. "Ya Al. What do you mean?" I asked smugly. "I look at Angel for a minute when he's talking to someone, turn away, look back and the guy's dead in front of him and I don't see a gun holster." He said. "Yeah because I'm not my Pa and brother who decide that guns you are constantly reloading are good weapons." I said. "I mean I can kill with anything but shotguns or knives are best." Charlie looked at me frightened. "How.... enlightening." She said nervously. Baxter grumbled something about proper language and what Charlie said was. "Aww is little Baxter cranky?" Teased Niffty. "Does the little scientist need a nappy wappy?!" She laughed. "I'm going to kill you little girl!!" He screamed! He jumped off the couch but was immediately grabbed and pulled back onto the couch by Mimzy. "You do seem tired deary." She said sweetly. "You could use a little sleep." Baxter got furious. "It's not even noon!!" He said angrily. "Act your God damn age Baxter!" I said. "What are you? 35? I don't think so because you're acting like a 4 year old!" He got angrier. He jumped off the couch and grabbed a knife and raised it above me. He stabbed my back. I didn't flinch. I sat up and pulled out my gun and shot him in his legs. He cried in pain and sat back on the couch bleeding. Everyone looked at me. "What?!" I cried. "I'm the 1 that's correct in his behaviour and he's the 1 that stabbed me in the back. LITERALLY!" My back started to bleed. I pulled out the knife and put it on Baxter's lap. "I believe this is yours deary." I said holding his face smiling. I kissed his forehead and let him go. "I'm going upstairs. Call me when Baxter starts to act his age and not like Niffty. Oh and Baxter. Don't mess with me Mother Fucker!" I said walking to the stairs. I stopped at the stairs. "Oh by the way. Niffty makes acting like a 4 year old actually cuter than actual 4 year olds." I said smiling and smugly. I went up the stairs laughing.

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