Chapter 43

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Angel's P.O.V
"HA!" Baxter laughed. "HE USES PROPER WORDS LIKE I DO!" He said still chasing Niffty. "But he swears and uses slang unlike you!" Niffty said laughing while she ran. "You walked in at a good time bro." I said sarcastically. "BRO IS NOT A WORD!" Screamed Baxter as he ran upstairs after Niffty. "NO ONE ASKED YOU ASSHAT!!" I screamed. I sighed. "Ssssso what's up Aracknissssss!" Said Pentious. Arackniss ignored Pentious and walked to me. He grabbed my arms. "We have to go!" He said. I pulled my arms away. "Why?" I asked. "I'm having fun hanging out with my friends! What could be so important that I have to leave." Arackniss groaned. "Do you know to turn on the News?" He asked. "I only watch when they're reporting Pentious and Cherri's territory battle." I responded. "So of course you didn't see it." He said angrily. "We just have to go." "If I leave and when I find out it doesn't matter to me. I'll be shooting you with my shotgun!" I said. "Got it?" He grabbed my arms. "Yeah Yeah Lets go!" He said pulling me away. "I'll be back guys after I shoot the shit out of Arackniss!" We left the Hotel.
Arackniss was dragging me through the city. "Where are we going?!" I asked. "To Molly's place!" He said. "Why? She's fine." I whined. He stopped and grabbed my shoulders. "She's in grave danger. Pa escaped from prison and is going after us. We have to get to Molly!" He said. Before I had time to respond he grabbed my hands and pulled me to Molly's house.
When we got there we heard Molly laughing. I thought she had a friend over and that she was fine. Then I heard a gun shot. Me and Arackniss looked at each other. "Do you have your shotgun?" He asked. I pulled it out of my left boot. "My boots aren't this big just for style." I said. Arackniss pulled out his gun. I opened the door and we ran in.

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