Chapter 39

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Angel's P.O.V
The bartender came by. "Ahh! Angel!" He said. "Where've you been?" I rolled my eyes. "None of your business." I told him filled with attitude. "Now I'll have your strongest liquor and, Al what are you getting?" I asked. "I'll take a Corpse Reviver Cocktail." He said. "Coming up." The bartender said as he left. I looked at him. "It's funny because you're a cannibal." I said. "It is." Alastor said cheerfully. The bartender came back with our drinks and went into the back of the bar to do whatever.
We drank for hours. I was completely drunk while Alastor was basically not drunk at all. A few more hours pass and it's 10:00pm. "We best be going." Said Al. "S-sure." I said slurring through my words. Alastor helped me stand up. I left the money on the counter and started stumbling to the door. Alastor laughed and grabbed on to my hand. I put my 2 left arms around him and we walked back to the Hotel.
When we got back it was about 10:15pm. By then I was on the verge of passing out. Alastor carried me to my room and laid me in bed. He left the room and went to his own. I had left food out for Fat Nuggets earlier so I know he was fed. He jumped onto my bed and cuddled up next to me. I fell asleep holding Fat Nuggets in my arms and feeling like I wasn't alone in the room.

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