Chapter 35

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Angel's P.O.V
Arackniss sighed. "I don't know what they were fighting about but Pa shot her in the arms, the stomach and just below her ribs." We looked at him. "The nurse told me that she had to keep her overnight." He said quietly. "I would've told you sooner but you were mad at me." I stayed quiet. "Angel?" Alastor called? I hugged myself. I felt so terrible. "It's all my fault." I said trembling. "Angel you don't have to feel guilty for what your Pa did." Alastor said. "Yeah you weren't even there." Said Charlie. "But it is." I said "She called me earlier and said someone wanted to see me. I got to my house and I saw Pa. W-We got into a f-fight..." I said trembling and crying. "And he called me a mistake and all these terrible things. So I k-kicked them out and c-came here. I guess Pa said something to her and... and..." I couldn't go on. "Angel?" Alastor said as he put his hand on my back. I grabbed him and hugged him. I felt him hug back. I cried more. Charlie hugged me. I felt so guilty for what Pa did. Charlie let go of me. "I feel so stupid." I said angrily. "I shouldn't have let her leave!" "You wouldn't have known that he would do that." Charlie said calmly. Arackniss stood up. "I think I've cost too much damage. I'll leave." He said as he went to the door. I didn't want to stop him. "By the way." He said before leaving. "I shot Pa in the shoulder because if I didn't he would have hit Molly in the chest. I screwed up his arm so I could save Molly." He sighed and left. I let go of Alastor and looked at the door. "Well see ya later Angel." Said Charlie like she was reading my thoughts. I kissed her on the forehead and ran out the doors.

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