Chapter 10

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Arackniss' P.O.V
I impatiently wait for a nurse or doctor to come and tell me that Angel will be fine. A few minutes later I feel someone hug me. I look up and it's Molly. I hug her back. "W-Why did Dad do that?" Molly asks me with tears in her eyes. We stop hugging. "I-I don't know." I replied "But I'm sure Dad will get what he deserves and he will be punished for it."

"But, will Angie be okay?" She asks. I didn't have an answer. No one had given me any news and he was in really bad shape when I got to him. "I-I don't know Molls." She looks down. We wait an hour before a nurse comes up to us. "Mr. Arackniss?" She asked. "Yes?" I replied. "Follow me."

Me and Molly stand up and follow the nurse. "Right in here." The nurse said as she pointed to a room. "Thank you." Molly said. "No problem sweetheart." The nurse said as she walked away. Molly opened the door and we saw Angel siting in a wheelchair with three of his arms casted, along with Fat Nuggets being petted on his lap.

"ANGEL!" Molly happily yelled as she ran and hugged him. "MOLLS" he said happily back as he hugged her with his one good arm. "I thought I wouldn't see you again." Molly said as I sat on the bed. "Molly, he's survived, drug overdoses, gun shots to the stomach and Dad. The only thing that could kill this kid is overdosing on the drug he's nicknamed after. We all laughed.

"Ya!" Said Angel "I'm always going to survive Pa even though he might not survive me when I'm all healed." He said angrily. We laughed again. "How you feeling Angel?" I asked. "Everything hurts a bit, but it'll go away eventually." He said happily. "Arac told me what he did to get in your house. We got to get you a new door!" Said Molly.

"Heh ya" Angel said kinda sad. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Oh it's nothing" he said "Lets go back to my place!" said Molly. "Why not." Angel and I said. We all left for Molly's place.

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