Chapter 13

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Arackniss' P.O.V
I was so worried about Molly. All I can here is my own thoughts and her crying. I leaned against the wall and slid down. I sat on the floor against the wall. I felt horrible for what o said to Molly. I want to apologise and I want to hug her. Then I heard the door open. I stand up and get hugged by Molly. I quickly hug her back, "I'm so sorry Molly for what I said. I didn't mean it." I told her. "It's okay." She said. She pulled out a switch blade "But say it again and I'm slitting your throat. Got that?" She said viciously. I nodded frantically. "Excellent!" She said in her normal happy and bubbly tone as she put the blade away and walked into the living room. Me and Angel looked at each other. "I forgot how vicious she can get." Said Angel. "Yeah." I responded. "That's our sister for ya!" Angel said cheerfully as he wheeled into the living room where Molly was. I followed suit. We sat on the couch. Molly rested her head on Angel's shoulder. Angel rested his head on mine. I gave him a death glare. He started to get off but I put his head back on my shoulder. He smiled his goofy little smile and I smiled back. It feels good to have my family with me.

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