Chapter 3

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Arackniss' P.O.V
It happened so fast. Dad was ready to beat Angel and in one swift move Cherri, Angel and I fell to the floor with Molly quickly following after us. Cherri and I were unharmed. Angel's only injury was his broken jaw. The three of us sat up and looked at Molly. She was holding the left side of her face, covering it with both hands. I looked at Dad, he had no emotion other than anger as he was looking at Molly and Angel.

But behind his anger he felt bad for what he did to them and felt remorse, a little remorseful anyway. I looked back at Molly and helped her sit up. She sat there hunched over holding the side of her face where she was struck, crying. I carefully pulled her hands away and tilted her head up. She had a giant red hand mark on her face. She looked back at the floor holding her mark. Angel looked at me, clearly seeing the same thing I did.

He wrapped his 3 remaining arms around her and silently cried with her. I looked at Cherri who was tearful and she started stroking Molly's hair trying not to cry. Cherri and I after a moment helped Angel and Molly up so we could take them to the hospital.

We were getting closer to the hospital and I asked Cherri to try and get someone to help us. She nodded and ran ahead. The three of us walked in the door with Cherri arriving quickly with two nurses behind her. The two nurses ran to Angel's sides and Cherri ran to Molly's side.

We all walked to one of the patient rooms and sat them no the bed. The second nurse called in a third and they tended to Angel and Molly while the first asked what happened. Cherri looked and me and I looked at her. "Should we tell her?" I thought "We probably should". Before I said anything Cherri told the nurse what happened. The nurse looked at me and asked "Is that true?" I nodded and said, "That's exactly what happened".

She looked at us then at Molly and Angel. She frowned then turned back to us. I'm sorry that happened. Don't bother paying for the medical treatment. "Oh you don't have to do that" I said kindly turning down the offer. "No" she said crossly but kindly, "Insist". We thanked her and she left the room. The two other nurses left the room after they finished tending to Molly and Angel. We helped them up and we all walked home.

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