Chapter 4

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Angel's P.O.V
I could barely walk, my head was pounding and I felt weak. I looked at Molly as the 4 of us got home. She had tear stains on her right cheek, I felt bad for her  What she got from Pa is what she didn't deserve, she didn't deserve to be in hell and... I for sure don't deserve to be her brother, she's to kind and sweet to be related to me.

A tear rolls down my cheek and I look at the floor. I was mad at myself for yelling at Pa, and for putting Molls in harms way. "Angel are you ok?" I look up and Molly is looking at me with a worried expression. It took me a moment to realise that I was crying a little. "Ya Molls" I said, "I'm fine".

She looked at me still with a worried expression. "Ok just let me know if there's anything wrong". "Ya, there's something wrong" I thought, "You're hurt and you're in Hell with me, Arackniss and Pa when you should be in Heaven with Ma". I wanted to say that, but I just nodded.

We sat on the couch and hugged Molly. "I'm sorry Molls" I said trying not to cry more than I already have. "For what?"she asked. "For everything that happened today. I'm sorry you got hurt by Pa and I'm sorry the same day we reunite is the same day you end up in a hospital." I was ready to cry.

She put her arms around me and patted my back. "It's not your fault" she said. "Bu-" I said. She cut me off. "You know how Dad is. He's mean, stubborn with no control over his hands and temper. What happened wasn't your fault and it wasn't Arackniss'. It was Dad's. Always know that no matter what you do on porpoise or by accident. I will be there for you and I will still love you." We stopped hugging. "R-really?" I asked. "Really" she said smiling.

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