Chapter 41

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Alastor's P.O.V
I slowly dragged my self out of bed. I hate getting up. "I wasn't going to scream by the way." Angel said as I got out of bed. "Excuse me Angel." I said more ticked off than I already was. "I have a splitting headache Al." He said. "Ya really think I'm gonna scream?" I looked at him. "You don't look like you have a headache." I said. "You look like the same slut as always." He laughed. "Not the first time I've come home drunk and someone has had to carry me." He said smugly. I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to go get changed." I said leaving the room. "I'll meet ya down stairs! He called running downstairs. I walked into my room and groaned. I changed and headed downstairs for breakfast.
I walked downstairs and saw everyone sitting in the lounge. "Oh look who decccccided to join usss." Sir Pentious hissed. Cherri hit the back of his head. "Shut up old man it's only Tuesday." Cherri said. "I'd be tried too knowing the week isn't half over." Said Mimzy sweetly. "Why would he care is he woke up late?" Niffty asked. "Some of us have jobs Niffty!" Said Baxter crossly. "Not all of us can run around the Hotel doing what ever we please." "Running around is fun!" Niffty said. "The fact you play with animals corpses isn't fun." Niffty said. "It's not supposed to be fun. It's science!" Said Baxter. The two bickered back and forth. Vaggie groaned. "Why every morning the same thing?" She said. I sat next to Mimzy. "I fine it really amusing!" Said Angel with a snarky tone in his voice. "So Alastor," Mimzy said kindly. "What are you doing up this late?" I hesitated to tell her. "I was up all night. I don't know what time I fell asleep but I did and I got up late." I said nervously. "Ok and how did Angel of all of us get you up?" She asked. I froze. I can't tell her I was sleeping in Angel's bed. "He went into my room and started bothering me until I got up. Why he cares is what I don't know." I lied. "Ok then deary." She said sweetly. I sighed with relief.

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