Chapter 5

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Angel's P.O.V
I woke the next morning on my couch with Molly leaning on my shoulder, Arackniss asleep in one of my lounging chairs and Cherri asleep next to Arackniss' legs. I looked around the room trying not to laugh. "This is a good sight to wake up too" I thought to myself. I quickly took a picture to show the others when they wake up. I looked at the tv that was still playing. I carefully got up so I wouldn't wake Molly. I carefully laid her down and turned off the tv. I stretched my back and started making breakfast.

I finished having breakfast when I heard a loud knock at the door. I checked on the others, who were still sound asleep. I walked to the door and to my delight and horror I saw my friend Charlie, my friend/enemy Vaggie and the Radio Demon himself Alastor. "Angel!" Charlie cries her voice sounding worried "Are you alright? We heard about what happened and we wanted to see if you were alright! We would have come sooner but Husk was lying on the floor again". "I didn't want to come" muttered Vaggie.

"I only came to support Charlie in her never ending quest for redemption and one step is caring for people even if you don't like them!" Alastor said with a little bit of his weird Radio Distortion. I hugged them. "You guys are awesome!" I said Charlie hugged back, Vaggie and Alastor hugged back unwillingly.

"Wait a minute?" I said "How did you guys know what happened?" Vaggie and Alastor looked at Charlie because she's the one who told them. "I like to have guards in the most violent places to keep other demons happy and not hurting anyone. And if there's a problem to report it back to me." She said nervously.

"That's a good system" I said happily. Charlie smiled. "Thank you" she said. "You're welcome". "Well we Best be on our way" Alastor said. "I put Mimzy and Baxter in charge because there're the most responsible when me and Charlie aren't at the Hotel." Vaggie said begrudgingly. "Well come inside" I said, "you may want to be quiet though because the others are still sleeping."

I stepped out of the door way. "Others?" The three said in unison as they stepped in side. I closed the door after them as they walked into the living room. When I walked in they were snickering. "How you like the sight?" I said quietly. "It's very amusing" Alastor whispered.

What the saw before them was the same sight as what I saw when I woke up. "Shall we give them a wake up call?" I quietly proposed. "Hmm why not?" Said Charlie. "Ok" I said. I tip toed over to Arackniss and grabbed his gun and put it in my gun holster. The three looked at me. "He has a bad habit" I said. "Ok on thre-" Vaggie interrupted me "Hold on. Does Molly have a gun too?" "No" I said. She doesn't use guns."

"Ok then" said Vaggie. "Ok on the count of three we all scream as loud as we can. Ready? 1... 2...3!" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" We all screamed at the top of our lungs! Molly shrieked, Cherri woke up with a starter and Arackniss was trying to grab his gun out of his holster. Charlie, Alastor, Vaggie and I started laughing. The other 3 looked at us like they were going to kill us. "Morning sleepy heads" I said as we were laughing more. "Where's my gun?!?" Arackniss yelled "I need it so I can shoot you! I told you to stop that!" The 4 of us calmed down and I said "Don't worry Arac, I have your gun."

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