Chapter 40

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Angel's P.O.V
I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache, Fat Nuggets in my arms and someone laying behind me. I carefully put Fat Nuggets in his bed, that was next to mine, and I slowly got out of bed. I was still wearing the clothes from last night. I looked over to the figure who was sleeping with me. I don't know who or what I was expecting but instead a found Alastor sleeping in my bed. I smiled and thought "How adorable!" I got changed into a fresh change of clothes and debated. "Should I wake him up?" I thought. "He normally wakes up at the sound of an alarm. I see it whenever I chase after Fat Nuggets and he goes into Alastor's room." I thought a bit more and after looking at the time which was 9:30am I made my decision. I nudged him. "Alastor?" I quietly called. He didn't move. "Alastor?" I called a little louder nudging him more. He quietly groaned and turned away from me. "It's like 9:40 in the morning Al." I said he covered his head with a pillow. "Geez are you always like this in the morning?" I said annoyed. "As you can probably tell I'm not the morning person." Alastor said muffled from all those pillows. I had to get him out of bed. Then I got and idea. "Al if you don't get out of bed, I'ma scream so loud everyone will come running in here to ask if everything is ok and they'll see you in my bed." I said smugly. He sat up and looked at me. "You wouldn't." He said with sounding ticked off and with the sound of radio distortion in his voice. "Oh but I would babe!" I said smugly. "Ready?" I asked him. "1... 2...." "Fine!" He said pissed off "I'll get up." I smiled and sat on my bed. "Sucker." I said happily. "Pardon?" He said quickly. "Oh nothing." I said sweetly.

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