Chapter 23

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Molly's P.O.V
He was breathing heavily from all the yelling. "What where you thinking when you spilt my secret?" He asked. I didn't respond, instead I started to cry. "Nice try Molly." He said crossing his arms. "You crying isn't going to get me this time. You should of thought about it first before you told them!" He said with a huff. I cried more. "I'm going to bed." He told me. "You have a room here so when you're tired you can sleep there. If you want. Good night." He walked into his room shutting the door behind him. I laid on the couch. "I'm sorry." I said. I let 2 of my arms hang off the couch and the other 2 lay across my body. Fat Nuggets ran to me and jumped on the couch and laid on my stomach. I put the 2 arms I had on me and held him. I felt bad for what I did to Angel. I wanted to apologise but I didn't want to make him more mad. I started to fall asleep. I cuddled with Fat Nuggets and after a few minutes I fell asleep.

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