Chapter 49

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Alastor's P.O.V
I helped Angel downstairs. He was leaning on my shoulder because it hurt to look up and walk properly. He was in great pain and crying but cheered up a bit when we say the mess in front of us. Baxter was being yelled at from everyone else in the room. Angel smirked. "KARAMA GOT YOU! DIDN'T IT BAXTER?!" I yelled to him. Everyone stopped shouting and looked at us. "Angel!" Cherri and Charlie cried. They ran up to us. "Are you ok?" Asked Charlie. "What the fuck did you say?" Asked Cherri. "I'm fine guys." He said lying. "You don't look fine deary." Said Mimzy. "Come sit down." Said Vaggie who surprisingly cared about Angel for once. I helped Angel to the couch and he sat down. "What in the name of fucks sake did you say?" Asked Cherri. "I just asked him since when did he apologise and why would he apologise if he knew he would feel sorry later." Angel explained. "And he slit the back of your neck for that?!" Vaggie asked surprised. Angel nodded. I sat next to Angel. "Why would you slit the back of his neck Baxter?" Asked Charlie. "That's something a man with the temper of a 4 year old would do." Said Niffty. Baxter pulled out a knife. "Shut the fuck up or your neck is the next 1 to be slit and it won't be in the back." He said threateningly. Now Niffty my be a fun loving, chaos loving, energy filled murder. But she's very sensitive to threats. So you can imagine what happened after Baxter said that. Niffty looked at Baxter.
It took a moment for Baxter to realise what he just said. Everyone started at him. He spent the most time with Niffty even though they are completely different. She's good at knowing her shit and helping Baxter with experiments. "Niffty I didn't mean it." He aid quickly. "I was only joking." Niffty started crying. Angel slapped Baxter across the face.

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