Chapter 27

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Angel's P.O.V
After an hour of just making out and not actually fucking, which I would of liked. I had gotten a call from Molly asking where I was. I told her I was at the Hotel. Well you have to come home because there's something we needed to talk about. I told her I would be there soon and hung up. I looked at Alastor. "We need to hide those hickeys Al babe." He looked at me. "What about yours?" He asked. "My family knows what I do for a living they don't care if I come home with them or not." I said. We let go of each other. He put his jacket back on as I got out my makeup. "The hickeys will be there for a day or 2 then they'll go away." I told him as I put makeup over them. I opened my door and looked in the hall way. The coast was clear. I stepped out of my room with Alastor right behind me. We walked back to his room. I kissed him on the cheek and bid him farewell. He kissed my cheek back and said goodbye. I walked back to my room while Alastor went into his. I poured some food into Fat Nuggets bowl and left the room closing the door behind me so he couldn't escape.
I walked out of the hotel. "I wonder what Molly wants to talk to me about." I thought.
I walked into my house. "Molly!" I said. "I'm home!" I closed the door and walked into my living room and saw Molly on the couch and Pa sitting next to her. "Nope!" I said as I turned to leave. "Apologise to your sister." Pa said in his alcohol ridden voice. I stopped dead in my tracks and went back into the living room. "Excuse me?" I said. "You heard me!" He said irritated. "Apologise!"

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