Chapter 12

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Molly's P.O.V
It was a few hours after the fight. I could her Fat Nuggets scratching at my bedroom door. I get up to open it. When I open it I see Arackniss and Angel. Fat Nuggets runs in and I close the door with out saying anything. They knock. "Molls?" Angel called for me. "Can I come in?" I pondered his question. He didn't insult me and I said I would always be there for him no mater what. I opened the door. He rolls his wheelchair in and I see Arackniss standing at the door. "Mo-." He says as I slam the door on him. I sit on my bed. "What do you need Angel?" I asked. He takes a deep breath in. "Arackniss didn't mean what he said. He was just mad and what he said came out wrong. He wanted you to leave the fight to him and me so you wouldn't get hurt. He didn't mean what he said." Angel looked at me. I didn't say anything. He sighed. "He wants to apologise to you." He said. "No" I said crossly "What he said.." I chocked back my tears. " Was not the first time I've been told that." I feel my eyes sting with tears. Angel looked at me. I know he wanted to know more but I kept my mouth shut. Angel grabbed my hand. "Dad told me to do what a lady is meant to do. Clean, cook and please a man." Arackniss heard through the door. "THAT ASSHOLE SAID WHAT?!" Arackniss screamed. I was ready to start crying again. The memories flooded back. I was bored and I wasn't aloud to have friends over because Dad was just not in the mood (as always) to have more kids over. I went to Dad because I didn't have any thing to do. "Dad?" I asked. "What?!" He growled. "I'm bored." I quietly said. "So?" He snapped back. "Do you have anything for me to do? Because Angel and Arackniss are sleeping." I asked. "Why don't you go make yourself useful and go clean the house or make me dinner!" He said When he said that my heart sunk. I hated the fact that woman were told there purpose was to please a man. "Why are you still here?!" My Dad barked. "Go make me food!" I ran off crying and I could hear Dad say "GOOD FOR NOTHING LASY ASS!!" I ran to my room and slammed the door and accidentally woke up Angel. "Why are you crying?" Angel asked. "It's nothing," I said "Don't worry. Go back to sleep."
"Molls?" Angel said worried. I hugged him and started crying. "It's ok. I'm here." He said reassuringly.

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