Chapter 15

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Angel's P.O.V
After a few hours of my drinking the strongest liquor possible I left the money for the drinks and we headed to the Hotel. We stood outside the door. "Ready?" Molly whispered. I nodded. "Ok on the count of 3 you burst in." "1... 2... 3!" She said. I kicked open the door and screamed "HEY BITCHES! GUESS WHO'S BACK AND REALLY FUCKEN DRUNK!!" Everyone in the lobby consisting of Charlie, Alastor, Vaggie, Niffty, Husk, Mimzy, Sir Pentious, Cherri and Baxter screamed as Molly laughed.i started laughing with Molly. "What's up guys?!" I said as I sat on Alastor's lap. He pushed me off him and continued drinking his tea. "At least he knows he's drunk this time" said Vaggie. "But he sat on me and almost made me spill my tea!" Said Alastor. I got up and sat next to him. "It was all in good fun!" I drunkenly said. Molly walked in. "Hi y'all!" She said still laughing a little. "Hey Molly!" Nifty said jumping around. "How ya doing?" "Great thank you!" Molly said "What about you?" I found the candy Charlie and Husk had been hiding from me and I ate most of it now I'm super hyper!" She said running around. Molly laughed and Husk continued drinking his beer. "So Al" I said drunk and flirtatiously, "I'm dunk and in love! Do you think you can help me?" I said as I put my head on his lap. "No!" He said as he pushed me off him again. "Rude." I said as I sat back next to Vaggie. "So Vags" I said. "Don't even Angel. She said quickly. "I was just going to ask you how you were doing but never mind then." I responded. "CHARLIE!" I ran to her and hugged her. "Hi Angel!" She said as she hugged back. "How you doing?" She asked. "Great!" I said, "Just got out of my casts this morning!" "Casts?" Asked Vaggie "What do you mean?" Asked Baxter. "Who in the 9 circles would want to fight you?" Asked Mimzy. "The real question is," Alastor said, "Who in the 9 circles would want to have sex with him?" I looked at him. "Many people Al!" I crossly said.

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