Chapter 33

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Alastor's P.O.V
"Did you hear what Alastor said?" Angel asked nervously. "Only all of it." Arackniss responded. Angel sighed and walked past Arackniss. He looked at Angel sadly. He turned to us and glared at me. "Really?" He asked "Did you have to put that idea into his head." Charlie looked at me waiting for an answer. "It was merely a pitch." I said. "I didn't think he would be stupid enough to actually believe it!" Charlie rolled her eyes and Arackniss groaned. I walked out of the room and followed Angel. I went downstairs and found Angel sitting in the corner of the room. I stood in front of him. "The chairs are over there darling." I said sweetly. "I know Al." He said sadly. I crouched in front of him. He looked at me sadly. I put my hand on his cheek. He smiled a bit. I took my hand away and pulled him up. He put his head on my shoulder. I patted his back. "There, there Angel." I said gently. We walked over to the couch and I sat down. Angel laid on the couch and put his head on my lap. I put my hand on his cheek and Angel smiled. I smiled back. We sat like that until we heard Charlie and Arackniss coming. I sat on 1 end of the couch and Angel sat next to me leaning on me looking like he's trying to seduce. "Charlie!!" I called out. "Angel's on me again." "Oh come on Al babe. Just 1 quick fuck." Charlie came running down the stairs with Arackniss behind her. She pulled Angel off me. "Aww..." Angel said disappointed. "Not today." She said as she sat next to Angel.

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