Chapter 2

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Molly's P.O.V
Seeing my family again after 3 years was absolutely wonderful! I missed them. They haven't changed a bit. Angie is still snarky and sarcastic, Arackniss is still all moody but funny to hangout with and dad... well dad is.... I missed my family so much and the fact that Cherri was Angel's friend makes my feel so happy. "Should we do something?"

Cherri asked while pointing to Dad and Arackniss arguing. Angel went over to them and pushed Arackniss out of the way so he wouldn't get punched by dad. I closed my eyes hoping Angel wouldn't get hit. Then I heard a crack. I looked up and Angel was on the floor holding his jaw with one of his hands.

I looked at him then at Dad. Dad has no expression on his face. "He doesn't feel bad that he most likely broke Angel's jaw?" I thought. I looked at Arackniss who was helping Angel up off the floor. In one swift move Arackniss hugged Angel and thanked him for taking the hit for him. Angel was still holding his jaw with one hand and hugging back with his other 3.

I looked a Cherri and she was smiling. She looked at me and we both said "AWWWWW!" We started laughing as Angel and Arackniss stopped hugging and pulled away from each other.

It took a minute before I stopped laughing and could actually speak again. Cherri and I walked over to Angel and I took his hand away from where he had been hit. I gently touched it. "OW!", he yelled while moving my hand away. I looked at him sad, not ready to cry sad but, I feel sorry for you sad. "Sorry", he said looking to the ground. "You shouldn't be", I told him.

"Dad should be". We all looked angrily at Dad and he still had a blank expression on his face. "What?" He said in a scratchy and alcohol ridden voice. "What? WHAT?!" Angel yelled. He held his jaw. "What were you THINKING?!" yelled Arackniss.

Me and Cherri looked at Angel and Arackniss. "You know exactly what I was thinking" Dad said "But since you're took stupid I'll say it again. You disrespect me in anyway way shape or form you will be hurt. I was going to hit you Arackniss but Angel made a perfect example of what would of happened if he hadn't shoved you out of the way."

I looked at Angel and Arackniss. Arackniss was about to say something but he kept his mouth shut and Angel just couldn't take it anymore. "YOU FUCKING STUPID CUNT! NO WONDER MA NEVER LOVED YOU! NO WONDER WE NEVER AND NEVER WILL LOVE YOU!", he was screaming " WE CAN'T LIVE WITH YOU ANYMORE! I HATE YOU! I WISH I WASN'T YOUR SON! I-I ..." his voice trailed off.

I looked at him and I noticed something. He was crying. The last time he started crying was when he and Arackniss accidentally killed me. I looked back at Dad. Dad was unfolding his hand ready to beat Angel but instead of hitting him with his belt its going be with his hand. Angel was looking at the floor holding his jaw with Arackniss and Cherri trying to comfort him. Dad raised his hand and brought it down.

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