Chapter 32

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Arackniss' P.O.V
I watched Molly as she collapsed to the ground. I ran to her. "MOLLY?!" I screamed worried out of my mind. I picked her up. "YOU STUPID BITCH!!" I screamed at Pa. "THIS IS WHY WE HATE YOU!" I ran off carrying Molly in my arms. "Just hold on Molly." I said quietly.

I got to the ER and some nurses took Molly. I sat in the waiting room for hours on end. A nurse came up to me. "Mr Arackniss?" She asked. I looked at her. "Yes." I said nervously. "Your sister will be fine. She just needs to stay over night." She said sympathetically. "Okay. Thank you." I said. "No problem." She walked away. I sighed and left the hospital. "Should I tell Angel?" I thought. "I don't know if he's still mad at her though." I decided that I will tell him. I knew that he wasn't at home so I headed to the Hotel.
I went inside and walked to Angel's room. I could here him talking to someone. I pressed my ear against the door. "I don't get it." He said. "Why do they hate me?" "I don't know Angel." Said a female voice. "Maybe their jealous of how much money you earn so they want to kill you so they can have it!" Said a male voice. "Oh stop being like that Al!" Said the female voice. "Do you really think that's true Charlie?" Asked Angel. "Of course not." Charlie comforted. They were silent for a moment. "I have an idea!" Said Alastor "Lets go get some tea and food! I'm hungry!" He said. "Why not." Said Charlie. "Angel? You hungry?" "Yeah actually. I am." He said. I continued to press my ear against the door. Then someone opened the door and I fell in the room. "Ow..." I said. "A-Arackniss?" Angel said. I looked up and released that Angel had been the one to open the door. I stood up quickly. "How much of our conversation did ya hear?" He asked. "I heard the end of it." I told him nervously.

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