Chapter 6

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Arackniss' P.O.V
I hate it when Angel does that. Waking me up by screaming or shooting the ceiling above me. I look at Cherri, she and Molly claiming down from what just happened. I groan, get up and walk over to Angel. I look at him and he smiles as I take my gun.

I hate him sometimes. "Well this has been fun." Alastor proclaims. "Fun for you", I grumble. "Pardon, what did you say?" He looks at me. "I said yelling to wake us up was fun for you and not so much for us." "Oh lighten up Arac" Angel says happily "It was all in good fun." "Good fun for Angel would be fucking him!"

Cherri points to Alastor. I look at Al and Angel and both there faces go red, Angel's especially. "Wh- wha- Shut up Cherri!" He said crossly and embarrassed. "Besides he'd have to pay to my services. Everyone knows that and he would only pay if he wanted my services." I looked at Alastor. He was looking at Angel like he was going to murder him.

After Molly, Cherri and I had breakfast we sat down to talk with the others. It was about our lives before Hell and other stupid bull shit. I pulled a gun on Angel at least 10 times when he told embarrassing stories about me. Other than that we had a lot of fun.

After a few hours of talking Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor and Cherri had to head back to the hotel for there redemption garbage. Molly had to finish her costumes and finish making her clothes because she likes to make her own wardrobe.

I had to leave after the others after Angel said that he would be fine on his own and he would call if there's anything wrong no matter how many times I tried to tell him that I can stay to take care of him. I gave him a head pat and left. I'm sure he'll be fine.

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