Chapter 20

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Angel's P.O.V
"I dare you to touch his fluff!" I heard a voice say as I stared waking up. "Are you sure that's a good idea Niffty?" Said another "sure it is Bax!" Replied Niffty. Baxter was about to touch my boob fluff until I grabbed his wrist . I sat up still holding on to his wrist in one hand and and my head in another as my other 2 were crossed. "If you want to touch," I said "You have to pay. That's how it works!" I let go of his wrist and he held it close. "I thought you were still asleep." He said nervously. "How did you know I was going to touch you?!" I looked at him. "Not the first time I've been passed out and demons have tried to touch my fluff!" I said. Baxter looked at Niffty. "I told you it was a bad idea!" He growled. "I just wanted to see what would happen." She said giggling "it was in the name of SCIENCE!" She yelled as she ran off. Baxter chased after her. "That's not how it works!!!" He yelled at her as he was chasing her. "Guys!!" The girls said as they were chasing after them. Alastor day next to me and I laid the back of my head on his shoulder. He didn't move. "Oops." I said as I released what I was doing. I started to move off him but he stopped me. "It's fine." He said calmly. I smiled. Maybe he was warming up to me. "Angel?" He asked. "Yeah." I responded. "Can I ask you a question?" He said nervously. "You can ask me any Al babe."

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