Chapter 34

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Angel's P.O.V
I sat in between Alastor and Charlie as Arackniss sat on 1 of the other couches. I didn't face him. I didn't want to see him. He just gave me another reason to not trust my family. He was eves dropping on my conversation. I guess Charlie could sense the tension between me and Arackniss because she asked, "So what are you doing here Arackniss." He looked at me but I didn't look at him. "I came to tell Angel something extremely important but I get the feeling he doesn't want to talk or be near me at the moment. "I know that he doesn't want to talk to you." Charlie said. "But how can you tell he doesn't want to be near you?" Arackniss pointed at me and Charlie looked at me. I was leaning on Alastor. Alastor wasn't trying to push me off or anything he was comfortable with it. "As long as their not fighting. It's fine." Charlie said. Alastor grabbed on to one of my hands. I smiled. "What did you want to tell me Arackniss." I asked quietly. I normally call him Arac. I only call him by his full name when I'm mad at him. "Pardon Angel." He said confused. I guess I spoke to quietly. "He said, what did you want did you want to tell him." Alastor said. "Oh." Arackniss said. "It was about Molly and based off what I asked heard from your conversation I could tell that you were talking about family issues." He said nervously. I slightly nodded trying to hold back tears. "So you're really not going to like what I have to say." He said nervously. "Say it anyway. It's probably not that bad." I said quietly but loud enough so he could hear. "Ok then." Arac said nervously. "There was an incident with Pa and he-." I cut him off. "If it has to do with Pa I don't care." Charlie looked at me. "Angel that's rude!" She said. "I don't care!" I said "It's about my Pa!" We bickered back and forth until Arackniss had enough. "HE SHOT MOLLY 6 TIMES AND SHE'S IN THE HOSPITAL!!" He screamed. Charlie and I stopped bickering. "Excuse me." I said calming down.

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