Chapter 44

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Angel's P.O.V
I ran into the living room with Arackniss behind me. We held out our guns. "Freeze Pa!" I said. Instead of Pa and Molly we saw Molly and on of the nurses from the hospital. Molly looked at us confused. "Pa's not here." She said. I put my gun away. "But I thought he would be hear. I heard a gunshot." Arackniss said. "Yeah because we're watching a movie." Molly said annoyed. I hit the back of Arackniss' head and dragged him outside. "Thanks for waisting my time Arac." I said ticked off. I pulled out my gun and shot his foot. "I told you I would do it." I said. I walked away heading back to the Hotel. I could hear him cussing at me. I stopped walking. I put me gun over my shoulder and had my finger on the trigger. I aimed the gun in front of him and fired. "The next bullet is finding flesh if you keep loading bullets Arac." I said smugly. He started grumbling and he put his gun away. I put mine away and continued walking.
I got back to the Hotel and walked in. "So I presume that your Pa was there?" Baxter said. "No one says presume!" Said Niffty. Baxter tried to run at her but was held back by Mimzy and Sir Pentious. I flopped onto an empty couch. "Nope." I said. "He wasn't there. Just Molly and a nurse that was taking care of her in the hospital were hanging out watching a movie." "Did you sssshoot Aracknisssss for wasssting your time?" Asked Pentious. "I shot him in the foot then as he was loading a gun to shoot me back I put the gun over my shoulder and shot the space in front of him. Then said keep loading and the next bullet is finding his flesh." I said. "You're such a liar Angel." Vaggie said. There is not way you went to Molly's place, went to yours that's like an our away and came back to shoot your brother. That fast." "Yeah." Said Niffty. "That's kinda impossible." I rolled my eyes and pulled out my shotgun from my boot and aimed it at Niffty. "My boots aren't this big for style babe~" I said as I put away the gun. "That explains a lot." Said Alastor.

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