Chapter 42

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Angel's P.O.V
I sat next to Cherri and Pentious. I watched the others talk. "Sssssso Angel." Pentious hissed. "Howsssss your hangover?" I looked at him confused. How does he know. "I don't have a hangover and I How would you know if I did?" I asked suspiciously. "Pleasssssse." He said "You're alwaysssss loud and annoying. Right now you're quite and calm. So you obviousssssly have a hangover." I rolled my eyes. "Fine ya caught me." I said reluctantly. "I got drunk. But why do you care Pen?" He was silent. I looked at Cherri and she shrugged. I looked back to Pentious. He avoided eye contact. Now I don't know what Cherri was thinking but she pushed me onto him. I quickly got off him and he went red. "Called it!" Cherri yelled. The others stopped talking. "Called what?" Asked Charlie. "Oh nothing." Cherri said smugly. "I just called that Edge Lord over here was gay for Angel!" I groaned as Pentious turned even more red. "Why?!" I said. "Why what?" Cherri said. "Why do you care if he's gay for me. Like I'm gay like no other but you can't force 2 guys to fuck just because 1 has feelings and the others a slut." I said getting mad. "He's not wrong deary." Mimzy said. "You can't force love." Cherri looked surprised. "I'm not forcing anything." She said. "I just wanted to prove that I was right. PAY UP HUSK. YOU LOST HE IS GAY. I WANT MY $50!" She called to Husk. Husk groaned in response. I sighed and hit the back of her head. "Stop using me for your bets with Husk." I said pissed. Cherri frowned. Vaggie laughed. "Karma is a big bitch." She said. "So Cherri." Baxter said. "You hypothesised that Pentious was gay and Husk hypothesised that he wasn't, so you bet on it." Everyone groaned. "No one says hypothesi hypoth- we what ever you said Baxter!" Said Niffty. "We aren't dumb assed that don't know how to speak like a normal person!" She said just before she jumped off the couch and ran. "Why you little shit!" Baxter said while chasing after her. "It's like all his energy when it's not being used for science is being used to chase Niffty." I said sarcastically. Everyone nodded in agreement. We were silent for a moment until the front doors burst open. "ANGEL WE HAVE AN ISSUE!" Called Arackniss.

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