Chapter 53

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Angel's P.O.V
It was about 3:00am when I heard the doors burst open. I had woken up with a start and fallen off the chair. I looked at myself to make sure I wasn't hurt. I then realised that I was still wearing my red dress. I sat in the chair and saw a figure. It was short, facing the ground, ,wearing a really dark green fedora with black with 4 arms and a pistol. "Welcome to the Happy Hotel." I said trying to mask the fact that I was just a little frightened by the way this person opened the door and how they're caring a gun. "Sir. You're gonna have to leave the gun at home if you want to stay here." I said strictly. "I'm just here for a quick visit. " said the figure. It took a moment for me to realise who it was. I heard a gunshot rang out and I hit the deck. The figure ran out the doors and I laid on the floor.
I heard someone running down the stairs. "Hello?" I heard a female voice call out. I recognised it as Charlie's. "C-Charlie?" I asked. "Angel?" She asked. "Turn on the lights." I said nervously feeling something wet on the floor and a sharp pain. Charlie turned on the lights and I waved my hands. Charlie ran to me and saw me laying underneath the desk. She helped me up and I leaned against the wall. I realised why I felt I pain. Above my fluff was a small .33mm bullet stuck in my chest. Charlie looked in horror. I looked at her. "Call someone Charlie please." I said nervously. She ran off upstairs hitting each door to wake the others. I stared at the bullet in my chest and started to panic. I looked at the floor and realised what I felt was blood.

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