Chapter 16

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Angel's P.O.V
"Sssssso your cassstss?" Said Pentious. "Oh yeah!" I said. "Just another Pa problem." "Ooooh!" Said Al looks like Angel has daddy issues." He laughed. We all stared at him. Mimzy smacked the back of his head. "What happened this time?" Asked Cherri. "Nothing just Pa being Pa broke my legs and 3 of my arms is all. Not smart because if he had broken all 4 I wouldn't have been able to call Arackniss to take me to the hospital." "He's not getting redeemed no mater how long he stays here, well that is if he ever comes." Husk said in his gravely voice. Then the doors flew open we looked and we couldn't believe what we saw.

Pa was standing in the door way. He saw me and immediately turned around and said "Not happening" as he closed the doors. Alastor started laughing. I went up to him and touched his ears to make him shut up. He turned around. I looked at him and I touched his ears again. "Are you trying to be killed?" He asked "No" I responded. "But I am trying to do this." I grabbed his collar of his shirt and pulled him to me. I kissed him. I let go of him and patted his head. "Disgusting!" He said. "What'eva" I responded smiling. "I'm going to go to bed. I'm done with Angel." He said as he put his tea down and left the room to go upstairs. "And that is how you get the quote on quote "All power full Radio Demon" or should I say Strawberry Pimp to leave you alone." I said smirking. Everyone rolled there eyes. Mimzy chuckled.

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