Chapter 57

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Angel's P.O.V
I woke up in my room. My head hurt and my chest in great pain. I get out of bed and I'm naked. "How nice." I grumble as I grabbed my pink fluff robe. I put on my slippers and walk downstairs. "I need a drink." I thought as I went to the bar. What I found instead of Husk sleeping was Arackniss and Pa tied up. Arackniss was looking at the ground. I watch from a distance. Vaggie was holding a spear to Arackniss' throat. "What the fuck were you thinking?" She growled. "He's your brother. You seriously couldn't come up with a better plan? Obviously not because you team up with your dad so you can save you and your sisters own skin. 3 lives are way more valuable that 2. I hate Angel to but I wouldn't team up with the man he hates most to avoid being murdered." I smile. Arackniss looks at her. I saw that he had bloody cuts all over his face. I didn't want to see anymore. I turn around to go back upstairs till I hear a sequel. I look to the ground and see Fat Nuggets looking at me. "Damn it." I thought as I was turning around. Everyone looked at me. "Angie!" Cried Molly. She ran to me and hugged me. "I came as soon as Cherri called me. Are you alright?" She asked looking at me. I hugged her back I'm fine. Cherri ran to me and hugged me I hugged her back. We walk to the others. "I appreciate what you've done but keep my clothes on me please." I said smiling. "Charlie hugged me. "It's good to have you back Angel." Said Husk. "Yeah." I said. I looked at Arackniss and Pa. Arackniss looked at the ground. I continued looking at him. He didn't meet my gaze.

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