Chapter 22

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Angel's P.O.V
After hours and hours of goofing off with my friends and being our weird selves it was 9:00pm. Charlie noticed the time. "Seriously!" I said "I was supposed to feed Fat Nuggets an hour ago!" I said as I grabbed Molly. "Bye guys!" I said "I'll be back tomorrow!" "Bye!" They said as Molly and I ran outside. We got home and I unlocked the door quickly. Fat Nuggets ran up to me happily and started trying to jump on me. I picked him up. "Hi Nuggy!" I said. "I know I'm late." I put him down and walked to the kitchen with him on my heals as Molly closed the door. I poured him some food as Molly sat on the couch. I gave him his food. I walked out of the kitchen and sat next to Molly. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" She asked me. The was silent for a moment. "Angel?" She said. "Are you ok." I stood up and stood behind the table in front of me. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!?!" I screamed. "Do what?" She said worried. "How could you expose my secret like that?! Why would you tell everyone about how you need to hold a knife up to my neck and threaten to slit my throat to make me to do what they want?!" I yelled frustrated with Molly. "I'm sorry!" She said, "I-I.." "GO AHEAD!" I screamed. "WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE TO GET OUT OF THIS ONE MOLLY?!" She sighed. "I don't have one." She said as she looked at the floor. "I guess I thought it was a good idea at the time." WELL GUESS WHAT NOW?!" I yelled. "YOU HAVE THE POSSIBILITY OF GETTING ME KILLED AGAIN BECAUSE IF I DON'T WANT TO DO SOMETHING THAT SOMEONE TOLD ME TO DO I COULD GET MY THROAT SLIT!" "But why would they kill or hurt you?" She said looking at me. "Hmmm let's see. Vaggie hates me. She would probably kill me, Alastor might be warming up to me but till I get confirmation on that he still hates me, I work with Cherri so Pentious will try, and if my secret leaks MANY other demons will try to use it against me!"

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