Chapter 9

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Angel's P.O.V
I laid on my back crying in pain. I rolled over on to my left side. I cried more, I hated the pain. I couldn't reach my phone, it was in my room on my bed with the door closed. Then I realised something important. "Fat Nuggets!" I called wincing in pain.

All of a sudden my adorable little pig came charging at me. "Hi buddy" I said weakly as I pet him with my one remaining arm. "Can you go get daddy's phone?" Fat Nugget oinked and quickly bolted into my room through the piggy door leading into my room.

He dashed out with my phone in his mouth and dropped it at me. I gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you Nug Nug." I swiftly unlocked my phone and called Arackniss. I told him everything that happened and he was coming with and ambulance.

He told he to hold on and he would be there as fast as he could. I told him Pa had broken the key in the lock so no one voyager in or out. Arackniss said not to worry and to just hold on. He hung up and all I could do was weakly pet my pig and hope he came fast.

15 minutes after I called I heard a loud banging against the door then a loud crash through the door. I look up and I see Arackniss with two paramedics and a stretcher. They carefully get me up and on to the stretcher. I was swiftly rolled out of my house with Arackniss holding Fat Nuggets and running after me.

They loaded me in the ambulance and Arackniss climbed in the back with me as we drove off. "I already called Molly and she's going to meet us there" Arackniss said calmly, "Everything is gonna be okay." I grabbed his hand with the only one Pa hadn't broken and he held back. "Yeah" I said weakly, "Everything will be okay."

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