Chapter 17

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Molly's P.O.V
I rolled my eyes at Angel. "What?" He asked confused. "Why would you kiss Al?" Asked Nifty as she was jumping on one of the chairs. "I'm a gay sluty boy," beamed proudly, "It's what I do!" "We can all agree to the fact of that's true." Said Baxter. "Absolutely." Agreed Husk as he took a swig of his beer. "But one thing," said Baxter, "If you come after me, I'll murder you." Angel shrugged. "Honey." I said "If you want to scare Angel into doing what you want him to do." I grabbed Angel and put my switch blade to his neck as I held his head in place. "Do what I'm doing now." I released him and I put my blade away." Everyone stared at me. "What?" I said. Baxter stared at me and was about to say something. "I know what you're thinking," I told him, "I lived with three murders. I know a few things." I said proudly as I was twirled my blade on my finger like a basketball. He looked at me like he was paralysed in love. I put my knife away and smiled. "Well then..." Charlie said obviously intimidated. "That's a good way for one of us to behave." Vaggie commented snickering. Mimzy and Sir Pentious snickered with her. "Thatssss one way to ssstop him and Cherri from taking my turf." Pentious hissed. "I'm only gonna stop when you stop saying 'turf' and since that's never going to happen. I'll never stop trying to take it from you!" Cherri responded. "Why you little!" Said Pentious as he picked up an egg boi and threw it as Cherri. Angel drove and grabbed it rolling to the floor. He rolled and stopped when he hit the wall upside down with his back on the floor and his legs on the wall. "We can fight." Angel said as he got up and walked to Pentious with the undamaged egg boi. "But we don't fight in here." He said as he gave Pentious the egg boi back. We all looked at Angel. "Hey!" He said "I may be drunk with a giant hang over but I'm fine." I sighed and stared at him. He sat next to Cherri as I sit where Alastor was sitting. "Why are you doing this again Charlie?" Asked Vaggie sarcastically. "You know exactly why Vag." Charlie said as her booped her nose. Vaggie smiled.

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