Chapter 36

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Angel's P.O.V
I ran after Arackniss. "ARAC!!" I screamed. He stopped and turned around. "What is it?" He said. I ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged back. "Take me to Molly." I said. "Let's go." Arackniss said. We ran off to the hospital.
When we got to the hospital Arackniss asked for Molly's room number because he couldn't go with her and know had told him. We walked to her room. I opened the door slowly. "Hello?" Molly called out. I poked my head in. "Special delivery." I said trying to sound cheerful. "Angel!" She said happily. "I've missed you!" I walked in the room and hugged her. "I'm so sorry fo-." I cut her off. "It's not your fault." I told her. Arackniss stood in the doorway. Molly looked at him and her face lit up even more. "Arackniss!" She said. He closed the door and walked to her. She grabbed him and hugged him. He hugged back. "Thank you so much." She told him. "As long as you're okay." He said. "That's all that matters." We all smiled. "So how's the hospital?" I asked. "It's quite and peaceful." She said. "I'm surprised you're the one that asked Angel. You've been here so many times I've lost count!" Arackniss said. We all laughed. We were laughing so much that we didn't here the door open. We stopped laughing. "Ok the only reason I was in the hospital so many times was because of Pa and his temper tantrums. He stomps and and screams like a toddler." I said laughing. Molly giggled. "It's true." She said. "I was helping Dad out once and I grabbed him a beer. He threw a fit because it was dented on the top!" We laughed. I heard a low growl from behind us. Molly trapped me on my shoulder and froze in fear. "What's wrong?" I asked. Arackniss tapped my shoulder and pointed to the door. I looked at the door and froze at what I saw.

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