Chapter 50

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Angel's P.O.V
I grabbed Baxter's neck. "You can hurt me and kill me for all I care but for the love of Lucifer NEVER threaten Niffty!" I said dead serious as I was closing my grip on his throat. "Am I clear?" I asked. He frantically nodded. I let go of him and went to comfort Niffty. "You had it coming." I heard Alastor say to Baxter as I gave Niffty a tight hug. "You're ssso ssssstupid Baxter." Mumbled Sir Pentious. "I have a fun idea." I said. "Let's go play dress up!" I proposed. "Are you trying to be sexist?" Asked Vaggie suspiciously. "No!" I said quickly. "Niffty, Charlie, Cherri, you, Mimzy and I all go put on a small fashion show. From personal experiences living with an older sister that was born around the same century as Niffty I know what they like!" I said crossly. "I like that idea." Said Mimzy. "I don't wanna watch the guys bicker." Said Cherri. "That could be fun." Said Charlie. "As long as Niffty wants to do it. Niffty nodded. "That sounds like a lot of fun." She said. I looked at Vaggie. "Ya coming doll?" I asked sweetly. "Fine." Vaggie said. We all went upstairs laughing because we could still hear the guys all bickering about whatever they were bickering about. We stopped paying attention.
(I have no idea what kind of things they would wear but I know for a fact Angel has a Jessica Rabbit type dress If you don't know who she is google her. But here is something for the artist to draw if they want.)
After an hour or 3 we went back downstairs to make sure someone wasn't dead and because we were hungry. We all left my room and I looked at every ones outfits. Mimzy had a short, 1930/40 form fitting black lace dress on. Vaggie had a mermaid fitted blue dress with a small train dragging behind her. Niffty had a pink sleeveless dress with yellow lace across the top and bottom of the dress. Charlie wore a hot pink, form fitting dress that flowed at the bottom. I was wearing a bright red, sparkly, form fitting dress with a leg slit on the left leg. Along with that I wore a really tight corset to make my boob fluff bigger.

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