31st March 2014

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Dear Bob,

I've been thinking a lot about, well, everything lately. Penny got me hooked on her astrology stuff and now I pay more attention to my star sign than I do the accounts for the Last Drop. It's not like I need to find the meaning of life, or that I'm putting my faith in the universe to have my back, but things do seem to happen in cycles, you know, like the moon. It's all connected in some way. I just want to try and understand it, but I'm not sure if that's even going to be possible. Considering the time I spent as one of the Fates, you'd think a little of that would reside somewhere in my pile of grey goop I call a brain, but no. I have nothing.

Even the old witch grimoires I've been reading, you know, those ones that the Council had locked away for some not so safe keeping, that I 'borrowed' well, it mentions moon cycles, star patterns, earth energy; yet nothing seems to give away what could be coming next. Blood moon, hunter moon, wolf moon, harvest moon, blue moon, eat your pizza moon. There is literally a moon for everything and.... I know I'm being paranoid again.

Zane called me out on it, Penny, and Drew too. Pretty sure Colton would have as well, but I kind of think he's a little scared of me, so just stayed quiet. I knew I liked him for a reason. I don't need another person's opinions thrown into the mix. I'm just trying to connect some dots that I don't think even exist. I don't believe there isn't a new big bad on the way, an event to throw us all into the shit again. The only question that remains is, when? 

I mean, this is probably the longest we've gone lately without something of near apocalyptic levels happening. Not even that though, but everyone seems to be on their best behaviour. The missions are getting less and less, and what is coming up is real minor stuff. I noticed it when I was visiting Ailin last week, people are getting relaxed again. The stress and fears are weakening due to nothing keeping them on their toes. Maybe something happened when I destroyed that portal, like the creatures all went, 'oh shit, this chick is serious' and stopped being bad. Or like, maybe getting more control over my powers has made the Treaty more chill. Like, the balance is back. 

Normality is restored. 

Maybe it really can be this simple?

Well, wanting to talk it out to someone who isn't just going to tell me to give it a break, I've been unsuccessfully trying to summon up Portia who apparently only decides to get up in my business when it suits her. Hades has been just as distant and I haven't seen or even felt anyone else nearby lately, so I went and got in touch with Muz. You remember him hey, the bee king guy. If I go back far away, probably got some posts on our visit with him. Anyway, total last resort, and we actually had some great talks about his era, and the Mayans and the end of the world not happening as everyone freaked out about because their forever ago planned calendar ran out. He said it was the start of a new time, not the end of one. A new phase on this Earth. I think he's right.

Everything that has been happening has been since that time.

Everything has changed for us, my kind. Me <- especially me!

Long story short, we're in uncharted territory and since I rarely make plans or think before I act, maybe that's a good thing, though for Zane's sake, I am really trying to work on changing that. Who am I kidding, between us Bob, I'm not. Love him, but gods he just doesn't speak my language sometimes!

Anyway, just needed to get that off my chest, and now I can focus on the really important things.

Should I go blonde this summer, or stay dark? I'm even thinking of cutting off some of the length, though every time I do I regret it. Penny recommended I go to the red side, and I don't really know if she was joking or not?

Also, do I give up on keeping the little willow tree bonsai thing that Ailin gave me alive, because that twig is looking pretty dead right about now.

I should start getting ready to go to my parents' place for their monthly dinner, but these have also taken on a, lets get Elise a nice Hunter boyfriend, twist which I am not enjoying. I mean, does my Mum really think I don't know what she's doing? Actually, that gives me an idea!

Elise Bunting.
(The Single Hunter)

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