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Taehyung could feel multiple deep bruises forming underneath his so-called lover's tight grip on his wrist.

"Stop it, Hannie, you're hurting me... "he said, his shaky voice filled with fear.

Ji-Han looked Taehyung in the eye with no emotion, and no signs of letting go anytime soon.

"Baby, no. I'm not hurting you; I love you." He spoke so softly, but underneath that softness was an underlying tone of pure anger. Ji-Han's voice laced with such hatred that Taehyung did not believe his words this time as he did in the past.

This happened repeatedly on separate occasions and Taehyung finally understood that this wasn't love.

"... Why don't you just listen to me? Give me what you owe me. You refuse me... "Ji-Han spoke harshly. The voices in his head fueling his anger.

He doesn't love you.

He wants that boy he has math class with.

He never loved you, just used you for your connections.

You're worthless to him.

He let Taehyung's hand go, not much to Taehyung's relief because that hand was next wrapped around his neck causing slight pressure.

"Is it them? I see the way they look at you in school, those boys... Minho, Taemin... Is that why you refuse me!?" His voice grew louder and louder with each spoken word. Taehyung was sure the neighbors could hear him, at least he hoped deep inside. "I love you; don't you love me?!" He shoved Taehyung to the floor hard enough for his head to hit the corner of the table.

For Taehyung everything went black, but for Ji-han, he didn't stop; He was ruthless, the last sane part of his brain switched off and he was no longer in control of his own actions.

"Police, get down on the ground with your hands behind your back! " 

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