Chapter 20: Ride

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At 4:30 PM all students participating in the field trip for Korean Lit 1 surrounded the outside gates as Ah Ra called out the names to make sure all were present. Taehyung stood farthest away from the others keeping himself isolated and comfortable. 

Jeongguk had arrived, along with Yoongi, later than usual as they had to have a small meeting with their coach about the practices they will miss. Upon seeing Taehyung standing by himself the pair walked over to him without saying a single word and stood waiting for their name to be called.

Taehyung was surprised that Jeongguk wanted to be around with people from their school present. The whole day everyone was gossiping about the game yesterday, especially the hug Jeongguk and Taehyung shared after the brought a lot of unwanted attention to Taehyung and he had no idea how to feel about it.

"We won't be arriving in Daegu till around three hours from now which will be around eight so we will check into the hotel and you all can sleep, do whatever as long as you stay in YOUR assigned room. " Ah Ra announced and the doors to the charter bus opened. The students flooded onto the bus, the more popular loud kids heading to the back while the more quiet kids sat in the front, like Taehyung. 

Jeongguk sat next to Taehyung and Yoongi took the seat in front of them. Taehyung looked towards Jeongguk with shock written all over his face. 

"Y-you want to s-sit with me..? " He asked quietly. 

"Of course, angel. " Jeongguk smirked and turned his attention to his bag. Yoongi snorted at Jeongguk's remark. He had this idea pop into his head to tease the two that sat behind him. 

"You seem pretty smitten Jeongguk.. " Yoongi started off, his chin resting on the back of the seat so he could look at the pair, "all I've heard while he's been staying with me was him wanting to see and talk to you. " It wasn't fully a lie. Jeongguk wasn't vocal about it, but Yoongi knew what he was thinking. 

Jeongguk sent Yoongi a glare. He hadn't mentioned to Taehyung what had happened with his family, he wasn't planning on letting him know the dark side of his life any time soon. 

"You don't.. Live at h-home..? " Taehyung asked hesitantly. Jeongguk replied with a sad smile and a shake of his head. The last time he went home was Wednesday night to get his permission slip signed by his father. Jae Ho wasn't home at the time. He had the chance to leave and come back after he was out of the meeting or stay and wait, he chose the latter. 

He should have left. His mother came in shortly after he arrived and proceeded to tell him how ungrateful he was and how much she hated him for ruining their deal, how they could be making much more money if it wasn't for him. 

Jeongguk came close to lashing out, if it wasn't for his father arriving home before he could lose himself he had no idea what would have happened. 

An angry Jeongguk shoved the piece of paper in his father's face and told him to sign without any other words. Jae Ho tried to speak and talk to his son, apologize and ask him to come home, but Jeongguk gave him no chance. His mother had pissed him off to no end and he had to get out, once again, as quickly as possible. 

"I-is.. Everything - are y-you o-kay? have me now, I won't judge, you can be honest with me anytime gukkie.." Taehyung laid his hand over Jeongguk's unoccupied hand. Surprising Taehyung, Jeongguk turned his hand so that their fingers would lace and he held his hand tightly, the simple action offering a calming feeling. 

"U-uhm Je-Jeongguk.. " Taehyung looked around to see if anyone saw them, he didn't want Jeongguk's reputation ruined by him.

"I'm okay, Tae. Promise. " Jeongguk said, not letting go of Taehyung's hand. 

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