Chapter 4: Pouring Feelings

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The sound of the bell signaling third period to be over had Taehyung sighing with relief on the inside. Being close to Jeongguk he felt constantly aware of his own actions, feeling extremely insecure about his every movement. It became hard to concentrate, though he was able to understand some of the lesson and write down notes.

Taehyung shuffled down the hallway quickly until he reached his locker where his best friend Hoseok stood waiting for him.

Hoseok is the only person able to get a smile out of the usually emotionless boy. More than thankful for his friend staying at his side with the knowledge of his disorder, he always made sure to show him a bit of affection when his emotions allowed.

"Hoseok Hyung. "Taehyung said as he reached the smiling boy. His arms instantly reached out to engulf the older boy into a hug. Surprised by the initiation, Hoseok was slow to wrap his arms around Taehyung. Even though he was careful with him, Hoseok tightened his arms around Taehyung's small from pulling him into a crushing bear hug.

"Taehyungie, you alright? "Hoseok asked, seeing the tired look among Taehyung's face. The younger boy just nodded and proceeded to get his supplies for the next two classes.

Taehyung already felt overwhelmed though it was only the fourth period. The talk with his principal, the schedule change, and the feeling he received when around Jeongguk had a negative effect on him it seemed.

"We'll meet at lunch, okay? "Taehyung said softly to him when the warning bell went off.

Fourth period passed by slowly and uninteresting. Math had always been a boring subject for Taehyung because he understood it easily, but he got pushed back to this easier class because he had absolutely no care about subjects anymore.

"Jiminie." Taehyung smiled, sitting down at their reserved lunch table. He was slow to notice the unfamiliar face sitting next to Jimin. He could swear he had seen him around school before, then it clicked that he just had Korean Lit with him two periods ago.

"Taehyung, I haven't seen you all day. I thought you were gone. "Jimin pouted and reached across the table to take his hands. "I missed you. "Taehyung smiled at the affection from his friend, only nodding in response.

He kept glancing from Jimin to the other boy hoping Jimin would understand that he wanted to know who he was exactly. Fortunately, he wasn't so dense and got the message

"This is Yoongi Hyung. You didn't come to the first period, and we partnered up like me and you usually do. He's really nice. "Jimin said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Before Taehyung could reply he caught a glimpse of the boy he dreaded seeing again walking confidently towards their table with lunch in his hands.

He grew very anxious, and a blocking sensation built up in his chest. Before Taehyung knew it, he was taking short breaths gasping for air. The air he breathed in wouldn't fill his lungs and he felt like he was suffocating. The overload of his emotions around Jeongguk that morning must have been too much on him at once.

To save himself from embarrassment he brought his hands to his face to hide the symptoms of his anxiety attack.

"Man, I was looking for you everywhere. You weren't at the usual table... "Jeongguk trailed off, not finishing his sentence when his eyes landed on the boy from his Korean Lit class. "Hey is... Is he alright? "He asked with concern. This caused Yoongi to look at him weirdly. He never once cared about a stranger before.

Hearing his question Jimin eyed Taehyung and intuitively knew what was wrong. He stumbled out of his seat and made his way to his friend's side. His small arms wrapped around the younger's waist, and he rubbed his back soothingly. He nuzzled his forehead against his head and began to whisper calming words to him.

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