Chapter 22: Almost

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".. Who knew it would be- be so crowded this e-early." Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek while observing the many people that stood in the lobby of the museum. 

Jeongguk looked at the boy who showed subtle signs of anxiousness and nervousness. Without thinking, he reached for Taehyung's hand and locked their fingers giving his hand a gentle squeeze for comfort. 

Taehyung looked at Jeongguk warily, receiving a smile in return. Taehyung sighed softly, letting the matter of them being in public go, and shuffled a few steps until his arm was touching Jeongguk. 

Comfort flowed through his body erasing the slightly terrified feeling that occupied his body, mind, and soul before. 

"I say we start this way, it looks a little deserted. " Namjoon suggested after inspecting the crowded and uncrowded areas.

"Alright." The four began their journey around the museum looking at the many artifacts and facts of Daegu history. The story behind each item was incredibly interesting. 

As they stepped foot into a new area an unknown person called, 

"Taehyung? Is that you? " A light brown haired boy moved away from the artifact he was staring at and stalked his way towards the group of four who looked confused. 

"Taehyung.. You look so.. " Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jeongguk looked to Taehyung with unknowing eyes. 

"U-uhm.. I-i.. Do I k-know you? " Taehyung managed to stutter out. 

"You don't remember me? It's Taemin.. Minho is here too, our class came to look around for our paper assignment."

At the mention of the boys name, Taehyung's eyes went wide. After he moved from Daegu he lost all contact with his best friends from Seoul. His mother thought that starting over would help him get past his mental problems therefore she banned all contact with anyone he knew from Daegu. 

"Your hair.. You l-look so different! That's why I didn't recognize you. " Taehyung exclaimed and stepped forward to give his old friend a side hug. 

"Yah! Pabo, you should have kept in touch with us, we missed you. " Minho had noticed Taemin's disappearance and came to look for him. When his eyes landed on Taehyung he ran over, much against the museum rules, and wrapped his arms around Taehyung giving him a tight hug. 

"Tae bear I missed you!" Minho made a fake crying face as he pulled away leaving the shorter boy laughing. 

A clear of a throat sounded from behind Taehyung and he looked around to see his three friends from Seoul standing there waiting to be introduced. 

"Oh.. S-sorry. Uhm Gu- Jeongguk, Yoongi, Nam-Namjoon.. These are my friends from Daegu.. When I went to school here. " Taehyung said softly, his gaze not meeting anyone's as he was a bit shy to be around his old friends and new at the same time. 

"Taemin." "Minho." Both boys responded with a slight nod. 

"We tried to get in touch with you so many times Tae, we had some news to give you.. But we couldn't find you. " Minho said sadly. 

"He's right, we wanted to let you know Ji-Han is back. " 

"... J-Ji-han? " Taehyung asked, confusion written all over his face, "who i-is that? " 

"Your.. Old boyfriend? The one that-" Taemin covered Minho's mouth before he could speak anymore. 

"I-i've never dated a-anyone before.. I-I-I.. " Taehyung felt a tightening in his chest. Trying to remember what they are talking about and figure out how they received that information caused a sharp pain to shoot through the frontal part of his brain. He groaned and brought his hands up to his forehead, rubbing his fingers into his skin trying to soothe the pain. 

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