Chapter 28: Who Are You

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The weekend passed by slowly with not much heard from Taehyung. After getting home Friday night he had locked himself in his room. His mother and father would occasionally knock and try to get in with food or to check and see if he was okay. 

The only person who heard from Taehyung was Jeongguk. They had texted and called so much that they even fell asleep on the phone together numerous times. 

Though he had the weekend to regain his composure and sanity, he still felt terrible. 

Taehyung woke up Monday morning feeling different. Something wasn't right at all. His thoughts were a complete mess and unknown to him, seeing his appearance in the mirror caused a great deal or confusion. 

Nothing seemed right because this wasn't Taehyung. This was a new alter that decided to finally make itself known. 

Taeyeon, a twenty year old girl from Australia who majored in literature and economics of underdeveloped world countries. She could speak fluent english with a heavy Australian accent and she could also speak fluent Korean as that was her main culture. 

Noticing herself dressed in boy clothes had her angry. She tore the plaid pajama shirt off her body and stomped to the closet to find some more girly clothes. 

After thirty minutes of searching she sound a few pieces of clothing wearable enough and easy to pass off as something girly. She pulled on a maroon colored t-shirt with the word baby written in white and some ripped white skinny jeans. To make the outfit more fitting she tucked the shirt in.  

In Taeyeon's thoughts she is residing with Beom Seok for the next six months. She got an intern job at the office where he works and has been studying about the Korean business market for her stay. Beom Seok and his wife thought it would be best for her to also be put in a school program to make sure she knows all of the Korean subjects students learn. She'll follow the same schedule as Taehyung, but her outlook will be completely different. 

Chaeyeon and Seo Yoon left early that morning to have breakfast together, Beom Seok had to get to work earlier. That said, there was nobody in the house to realize Taehyung had a switch and would be leaving the house that way. 

Taeyeon arrived at the high school within five minutes. She had walked downtown and flagged down a tax. The drive prevented her from ruining her hair, she had the blond locks pulled into a short ponytail. 

"Taehyung.. " Jimin called when he saw his friend enter school. As soon as he was close enough he stopped in his tracks and shot a weird questioning look at his him. 

Taeyeon ignored Jimin completely. She passed by the short boy and headed straight towards the office but was stopped by a boy with black hair and bangs cover in his forehead. 

"Taehyung? " He asked. It was Jin. 

"No no, Taeyeon. " She smiled shyly, "do you know where the office is.. I think I need to check in. " She pulled her purse to her front and began digging through it looking for a paper she found that had Taehyung's schedule printed.

"What's going on.. ? " Jin questioned to himself. 

The bell rung and Taeyeon frowned. 

"Never mind, I'll just go later.. I'm sure it would be fine. " She turned around. Before she left she had glanced back at Jin and gave him a flirtatious wink. He was cute. 

That isn't Taehyung.. 

The first two periods were weird and un normal. Everyone gave puzzled looks whenever Taeyeon would speak up and talk with her accent, they too didn't realize this wasn't the Taehyung they normally shared schools with. 

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