Chapter 47: Truth

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Taehyung's eyes bored into his ceiling as he laid flat on his bed. His friends called up via group call and refused to let him off the phone until he promised them he was okay. Taehyung promised a million times but all three were hesitant to let him go, afraid something bad would happen. 

"Hyung p-please I'm o-okay right now.." He sighed heavily, a little annoyed that no one believed him. 

"Jeongguk told us you went to therapy and a lot of progress was made. If.. If he knows can you tell us what happened? Taehyung, we are worried and we've been here for you since you've moved here. We're all you have.. Talk to us too. " Jin begged 

His hyung had a point. Jin befriended him the second he arrived and had not left his side. He was Taehyung's personal secret diary. Anything said between them would be kept between them unless Taehyung decided to tell one of the others. He could trust Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok, but this matter was a lot different than some foolish secret. 

"I'll tell you.. when I need to. " Taehyung confirmed and the others dropped the subject, a little angry that Jeongguk knew and Taehyung refused to tell them. 

The last couple of days Taehyung barely removed himself from his comfy bed. His mother refused to let him leave the house for school and he wouldn't allow himself to have a run in with that man. He would feel more assured if Jeongguk was with him, but his mother banned him from being around. 

She actually thought he was turning crazy. His own mother called a couple of psychiatric hospitals and asked for information. With the knowledge gained, she barged into Taehyung's room without knocking and told him if his medicine stopped working that it would be their next option. 

"Crazy.. " His mother never used the word it was only implied

"I'm crazy yet I'm just hurting.. " 

"Maybe I should go ahead and tell them the truth even if it ends me up in a place I don't want to go.. "

"No I'll just keep it to myself.. "

What do I do.. ? 

After debating for too long Taehyung finally came to the conclusion that he should just tell them. Before Jeongguk dropped him off he reminded Taehyung that to feel better he needed to put the situation out there in public. 

"Fine.. " He breathed and pushed himself off of his bed.

He rubbed the palm of his hands over his face as he exited his door and entered the hallway where he ran into his father. 

"Hey, son. " He mumbled and continued walking towards the hallway bathroom. 

"D-d-dad.. " He stammered causing his dad to turn in worry. 

"Something wrong? "

"Can.. You.. I n-need to t-t-tell you and mok something.. " He said, his face and neck turning red in color from the amount of nerves he was feeling. 

"Is everything okay? She's down there in the kitchen. Want to come down? Sit at the kitchen table and talk with us? "

"Are you.. The only ones home? J-just you and mom.. " Taehyung asked, eyes darting back and forth like he was afraid, he was afraid. 

"Yeah, come on. " Taehyung nodded and followed his dad down stairs into the kitchen where his mother freeted the both of them. 

"I thought you were going to take a show, Beommie? " 

"I was but Taehyung here had something he wants to talk to us about. " 

"Can it wait, baby? I'm trying to cook dinner for the family" She took her oven more off and turned to face the two men who stood across the kitchen bar. 

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